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More Visibility with Automated Category Page Text

Reading Time 7 mins | July 27, 2021 | Written by: Sabine Schymik

Visitors access an online store in different ways, such as direct type-in. Visitors who do not have a specific product in mind or want to browse products, often use category pages as an introduction. A great number of users prefer the search function. Category pages texts, together with product descriptions, belong to the most important content pieces in e-commerce.

Keyword-relevant and up-to-date Category Pages for increased Traffic

Good category pages additionally generate more visibility by adding relevant keywords to the most relevant places and can thus increase the traffic for the online store. In order for the category pages to generate visibility, they have to constantly be kept up to date. The challenge is that this requires a tremendous effort in terms of maintenance due to the client’s changing interests and searches. The ever-changing product range in online stores and changing requirements by the search engines also contribute to the category pages being outdated.

The Issue: a Lack of Updates due to a high Maintenance Effort

Many companies create their category pages only one time and do not react to any changes later on. As a result, the category pages are outdated - this affects the online store’s visibility negatively. 

The Solution: automated Category Page Description on a Keyword Base

Automated category page description allows you to update category pages with new keywords if necessary and thus react to changes in the short term. The visibility of the online shop can therefore be kept stable without investing much time and money.

Advantages of automated category page description:

  • Fast reaction to changes of searching behavior
  • Fast update of keywords
  • Quick adjustment of the output

The method: automated category page description in three steps

  • Creating category attributes 
  • Creating an intelligent ontology by using the data enrichment service “Data Studio”
  • Creating a concept and implementing it with AX Semantics
A text concept will be generated from structured data; on their basis, category page descriptions are automated.

Example: Sporting Goods Manufacturer – Keyword Enrichment and Content Automation

The following anonymous case shows how a sporting goods manufacturer implemented the automated category pages description on a keywords base.

The goal: to optimize the search engine results with the help of automated category descriptions that contain updatable keywords.

The sporting goods manufacturer had the following challenges regarding keywords implementation:

  • Keyword phrase as a headline
  • The twofold output of keywords and keywords phrases in the text
  • The company provided unstructured data with one keyword phrase per data record

Data Structuring 

As the content was intended to explicitly emphasize keywords, instead of the often varying phrases used in URLs and other product data by the company, the category attributes were generated based on the predefined keyword phrases.

On the left, there is the keyword string; on the right, the text that was generated from data enrichment and preparation.

The first step was keyword splitting. Here, keyword phrases were extracted from the client’s delivered URLs and split in individual keywords. In this way, individual keywords were converted, sorted, and processed in the next step in structured attributes with help of the data enrichment service “Data Studio”.

A rule was defined for each keyword, which allows each keyword to be automatically allocated to structured attributes. This resulted in creating a set of rules that can be extended or adjusted at any point.

The individual, unstructured keywords will be sorted and processed in an intelligent ontology

The resulting intelligent ontology makes it possible for each keyword phrase to be added at any point, and to continuously enrich the attributes and value pairs.

At this point, the category attributes were still missing. For this reason, three category groups based on the online store were created in the next step and filled with subcategories.

3-level-category-structure based on keyword strings

A structured database containing all relevant category attributes resulted out of this.

Content Creation

After the ontology was exported to a readable file for the text robot, the resulted content was generated in the AX NLG Cloud. All automatically generated content fulfilled the client’s requirements: the keyword phrases formed the headline, and the keywords and keyword phrases were displayed twofold in the text.

The description contains the relevant complete keyword chain twice, according to the client’s requirements

In addition, the important keywords were assigned text attributes, in order to visually emphasize them and to obtain interesting and diverse texts for users and search engines.

Through the enrichment and clustering of the data in advance, information was complemented, and the resulted content became category-specific and scalable.

All texts fulfill the SEO requirements and therefore, result in a higher search engine ranking.

Attributes value pairs can create an exciting and diverse text

On this basis, numerous unique, SEO-relevant, and diverse content was automatically generated for the mobile and stationary output channels in the AX Cloud.

The result: Our client’s website increased its visibility through category pages descriptions on a keyword base and achieved a better search function on his online store by providing a differentiating filter option and allowing the search of all keywords in the future.

Internationalization with multiple Languages

The automated content generation process does not translate the finished texts for the localization of the texts in multiple languages. The set of rules is individually localized and adjusted for each language - the logical elements are usually taken over from the source language so that only the linguistic parts are translated. This also ensures the cultural and linguistic accuracy of the texts.

Important: The widely known translation tools translate texts without localization and paying attention to the target market’s linguistic differences. This leads to lower visibility of the online store.

SEO-relevant & automated Category Page Texting - A Conclusion

The case presented shows how SEO-relevant & automated category page texting can reduce the maintenance effort for category pages to almost zero and increase visibility at the same time.

However, many companies still fail to recognize the potential of category pages and treat them stepmotherly. This has measurable consequences - the visibility of the online store is either constantly low or cannot (without enormous effort) be kept stable in the upper range. 

The possibilities of automated category page texting on a keyword basis:

  • Time saving
  • Increased speed
  • Cost reduction
  • Internationalization and localization
  • Fast response to search engine updates
  • High flexibility
  • Link and URL building 

The Learning: Properly implemented, SEO-relevant category pages offer a great opportunity to gain a competitive advantage and can thus directly contribute to a company's success.

About the Author: 

Mareike Bartelt is Content Marketing Manager at uNaice, a certified Gold Partner of AX Semantics. uNaice is dedicated to content automation and data preparation. With the help of AX Semantics' software, uNaice has carried out over 250 successful projects since its founding in 2015, especially with large e-commerce companies from a wide range of industries. 

Sabine Schymik