
Industry solutions in cooperation with our managed service provider uNaice

Automatically appealing texts for hotels with POIs in the area

Together with our partner uNaice, we offer a solution for content and data challenges that is specially tailored to the travel industry. All your content supplied from a single source.
Tourismus (2)

One keyword can affect a whole vacation

Challenges in the travel industry

  • The online market is dominated by major players who spend billions of euros every year to secure the top ad positions on Google.
  • Many hotels are often listed with exactly the same descriptions on multiple platforms.
  • Inadequate, outdated or missing descriptions of the hotel environment are a real content bottleneck.
  • Every travel organiser needs its content in different languages with consistent quality.

Data2Text automation enables the automated creation and update of precise and consistent hotel descriptions enriched with valuable environmental information.

Help your guests making the right decision

Unique & informative hotel descriptions from your data


Data structuring and optimisation

  • We structure and optimise your data. This creates a clear and precise basis for your descriptions.

Enrichment with POI geodata

  • Geodata is fundamental for the hotel industry.
  • Based on the locations of your hotels, we automatically explore the surrounding area for interesting places and sights.
  • To ensure the relevancy of the content, the existing data is enriched with geodata from various reliable sources.
  • This additional information emphasises the added value of your hotel and makes it even more attractive.

Creation of conversion-strong descriptions

  • Fully automatic text generation based on your hotel data in 110 languages and even local dialects.
  • We generate SEO-optimised and error-free descriptions. The result: improved visibility, higher conversions and more satisfied guests.

Advantages and benefits

  • Automation avoids duplicate and outdated content.
  • Seasonal texts are easily updated.
  • Geo-information provides additional relevance.
  • Easy internationalisation and localisation.
  • Individual, SEO-relevant texts create higher conversion rates.
  • The costs for text production are drastically reduced.
  • Copywriters and editors have more time for creative activities and conceptual work.


  • The data basis is the industry standard GIATA and Global Type.

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