How to Migrate from One NLG Vendor to Another​


About the Whitepaper

Find Out What Criteria Are Important When Choosing a New NLG Software

The NLG market is maturing. New software companies are bringing faster, more secure and more scalable solutions to the market. Older, conventional NLG companies make migration sound impossible - this is not true. We have undertaken many migrations and put our thoughts and processes into a whitepaper. It provides you with all questions you should ask and the steps you need to take to migrate from one NLG provide to another:

  • Why migrate?
  • How to migrate from one NLG vendor to another?
  • Next steps: How to find the right NLG vendor for your projects

First Look into the Whitepaper

Why Migrate?

The first question is, why would you want to migrate? Many early adopters signed contracts with NLG providers 3 to 5 years ago when there were very few NLG companies. These early adopters helped create the NLG market, testing use cases and finding the best uses of emerging NLG tech. They also shaped the early market leaders. But by their very nature, they want to stay ahead of the curve and employ the most advanced solutions to business problems. So what are some common reasons customers want to migrate?


The entrepreneurial spirit that led these early innovators to adopt NLG, is now leading them to look at how to scale NLG in their business. They need technology that multiple users can use at the same time. Technology that writes in many different languages and that can be securely deployed in the cloud or on premise. Many older NLG software vendors fall behind here. Whereas the newer vendors were built from the ground up to scale.


Scalability leads us neatly to security. If you want an NLG software to run globally so your teams in London, Paris and Singapore can all work on the application, you need a cloud solution (or at the very least private cloud). The earlier pioneers of NLG technology can’t compete with the new players when it comes to security certifications, so customers are leaving and moving to newer more secure solutions.

Complexity and Lack of Real Self-Service

Companies that have used NLG for a while don’t want to have to call an NLG vendor or a consultant to update their applications but that is what they are having to do right now. They want to be able to build (or at the very least) maintain their applications in house. The early NLG players either sold technology that was not self-service or was so complicated to use that it rendered it self-service in name only. The market has changed a lot in the last three to five years and the newer NLG vendors offer easy to use self-service interfaces.

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